Monday, January 17, 2011

Boost Your Blog Traffic: A Guide For Bloggers Who Want More Traffic in 2011

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Are you looking for more traffic for your blog?

If you answer yes – you’re not alone. In fact you’re in the vast majority of bloggers. I ran a survey of a segment of ProBlogger readers recently and a ‘lack of traffic’ was identified as the #1 challenge that bloggers face.
Kicking off on Monday 24 January Chris Garrett and I are running a short course to tackle this problem. Over 5 modules we’ll walk you through our philosophies for building traffic to blogs.
The course is just $29.95 USD – or $99 if you do it with our other 4 courses in the Pillars of ProBlogging series. It is the 2nd of these courses that we’ve created (the first had some great reviews) and we’d love for you to join us!
In the course we’ll cover 5 Modules:

Module 1: Where to Start

  • Starting with the visitors you have
  • Build Loyalty
  • Engagement
  • Subscriptions

Module 2: Get Off Your Blog

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Forums
  • LinkedIn
  • Blogs

Module 3: Get More Google Traffic

  • Keywords and key phrases
  • Keyword research
  • Landing pages
  • Links
  • Other ranking influences

Module 4: Advertising and Syndication

  • Adwords
  • Facebook
  • RSS, Aggregators and Syndication
  • Repurposing
  • Guest-Posting

Module 5: Live Webinar

  • Live chat with Chris and Myself (in fact we do two live webinars to accomodate different time zones). These will be recorded for those who can’t make the live webinars.
Each of the modules is made up of multiple videos (a total of over 20 videos) which you’ll have access to for a year – so you don’t have to complete it all in the five days that we release them

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